Sunday, 18 August 2013

Healthy Diet

By Trish Powell

To maintain good health, we need to eat a healthy balanced diet. Couldn't be easier could it? Due to our diverse life styles, eating a balanced diet is much harder than we imagine. Most articles dealing with healthy living tend to list food sources that are beneficial and give reasons why we should eat more of them, that's fine as far as it goes, but how do you manage it?

This article is not so much about the right foods, you know what they are, nor is it about a weight loss diet; though if you are overweight, along with some exercise and a healthy diet you will lose weight. This is about strategies that we can adopt to help us eat a more balanced diet long term.

Let's start right there, there are no right and wrong foods. The idea that there are some foods you must not eat is totally wrong. There are though foods you should try to eat more of and those that you should eat less of. You may be able to remain on your diet longer if you realize that you can have an ice cream or chocolate, you just can't do it too often. In other words it is the balance we are after.

Making ridiculous changes to your diet overnight probably isn't a good idea, after a few days your resolve is going to weaken and you will end up reverting to your old ways. It is better to make small changes, this way it will have a more lasting effect.

Before you consider your actual diet, look at your lifestyle. This is very important because you need to plan your meals around your everyday activities. Often people will say "It's hard for me to eat properly because I go out a lot." or "I'm a shift worker and meals are never at the right time." These are valid reasons, but they can be overcome with proper planning.

To overhaul your diet you will need to work out what you are consuming now. Be honest with yourself, if you are drinking ten cups of coffee and eating doughnuts every day then acknowledge the fact. Sometimes it can be a shock when you add it all up, rather like getting home after shopping and you wonder where all the money went. Yes tally it all up and you will be surprised.

Once you have come to grips with your actual diet, as opposed to what you thought it was, you can take steps to improve it. Let's take the ten cups of coffee and doughnuts as an example. The obvious solution is to cut down, but you should have a plan. How many cups of coffee should you have a day? Now if you cut out just one cup per day for the next week, then drop off another cup for the next week etc. although taking some time this will work without being hard work.

Do the same for the doughnuts, and though in the beginning you may wish to supplement with a health bar try to wean yourself of even these and change the coffee and doughnut for a piece of fruit. Just don't go cold turkey and give up everything in the one day, unless you have very good will power, that way leads to failure.

Quiet often our diet is governed by what is easiest, enter soft drink and fast food; instant gratification equals long term problems. Here is another myth buster, it is not always the fast food that is the problem; if you were to have a beef patty with salad and a bread roll laid out on a plate, it would be considered a healthy meal. Why then if you put them together is this bad for us? First did you notice we didn't have the fries with that? But mostly it is the soft drink! When did you last have a burger without a soft drink? And don't think because you have a diet coke it doesn't count. It is the fizz that makes you fat!

Spur of the moment eating doesn't allow for healthy meal planning, try to plan meals in advance. If time is an issue try cooking more than you need for one meal and freezing the remaining portions for another occasion. Don't do your shopping in a hurry, allow yourself time to look at other options that might be quick but healthy, if you are in a hurry you will always pick the same things.

The saying a little of what you fancy does you good is true, the art is in knowing how much a "little" is. Eating is a great social activity and it is easy to end up eating and drinking more than we planned when we get together with friends. To over indulge once in a while is not a problem, but if you have a busy social life, or business requires you to dine out on a regular basis, then you need to work out a strategy so that your healthy eating plan isn't compromised.

Choose the healthier options on the menu, forego the side orders, restrict the number of courses you have, don't have the coffee to finish, any or all of these will keep you on your healthy diet.

A healthy diet won't just happen, it doesn't work just to give up this or that, or to go on some fad diet. If you are in for the long haul, and you could be living to a hundred, you need to be on a healthy balanced diet for the rest of your life. Not a weight loss diet but a balanced one. This will not happen unless you put in the time and effort to plan a strategy and set some healthy eating goals.

Trish is a life coach and author who specializes in health wellness and relationships. For full details of healthy eating and wellbeing visit

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Saturday, 17 August 2013

Healthy Dieting in 3 Simple Tips

By Christopher Heffron

Expert Author Christopher Heffron
If you're like me, dieting is a struggle. Chocolate, ice cream, my morning coffee--they are the real enemy. How can we truly make a change when there's such a temptation? Here are a few suggestions for healthy dieting that won't ruin your life.

So, what's really 'healthy'? And how can you change your diet slowly without cutting out your favorite foods? In order for your diet to become your habit, this is essential.

Healthy Diet Tip 1: Keep Your Diet Balanced

This may sound like a no-brainer, but think about what you eat. Do you really eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables? Or 3-5 servings of grain? Doubt it. So, start small. Eat an apple every morning, or a banana after your coffee. Nobody is saying that you have to eat perfect, or even eat less, just smarter.

Healthy Diet Tip 2: Cut Out the Extra Sugar

Added sugars are present in items like cookies, candy, cakes, and beverages (especially soda's and juices!). This sugar can add masses of calories, and can substantially increase your needed exercise time. If you knew that a glass of lemonade every day would add two hours of walking in exercise to balance out, would you drink it? Drink water. At the very least, cut down on your extra sugar intake, by a glass or a cookie each week.

Healthy Diet Tip 3: Chill on the Fat

There is fat in almost everything you eat nowadays, but you can be smart about it. When looking at nutritional information, low fat needs to mean low in trans fat and saturated fat. Your total fat intake for the entire day should be between 20-35 percent of your total calories, and most of that fat should be coming from unsaturated fats, like fish and nuts. If you find yourself eating some foods that are high in saturated or trans fat, do your best to cut out those foods before you do anything else. These foods are heart stoppers, literally.

Want to get cutting-edge weight loss and healthy dieting advice? Check out Healthy Dieting [] and subscribe to our FREE Healthy Living informational series.

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition and healthy living.

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Friday, 16 August 2013

Just What is a Healthy Diet?

By Sydney Heiden

There is a ton of conflicting information available today about what is a healthy and nutritious diet, and sometimes it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. Basically, it can be easy to follow a healthy diet by making a few minor adjustments to your current diet.

Most people don't realize the incredible impact that a healthy diet can have on our quality of life. The difference between a good diet and a poor diet can mean the difference between having good health and having poor health. Most people would not knowingly choose poor health, but that is exactly what they are doing by following a poor diet.

Along with regular physical activity, a healthy diet is the single most important factor determining your weight. If a person is overweight, the chances of developing including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues increase significantly.

The first step to a healthy diet is to include food from all food groups, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet.

It is well documented that a diet containing fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of heart disease, stoke and cancer. It is recommended that you eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

The healthiest vegetables are the dark green vegetables like broccoli and lettuces, and orange vegetables like carrots, sweat potatoes and squash, and red vegetables like peppers and tomatoes.

You should eat a variety of fruits each day. Fresh is better, but canned, dried or frozen will still help with your diet. Limit the amount of fruit juices as they can be high in sugar.

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which can reduce you risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. You should choose whole grain cereals, bread, rice and pasta. Be sure the list of ingredients refers to WHOLE grain.

A diet should include legumes. This includes beans, peas and lentils. These are low in fat, contain no cholesterol and are high in protein. A vegetarian diet needs to include lots of legumes to replace the protein from meats. Legumes are also a good source of fiber.

A healthy diet will limit the amount of meat, and will insure that the meat is lean, containing limited amounts of fat. Limit the amount of red meat, and use more poultry and fish. Do not fry the meat, instead, bake, broil or grill. 
Use low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cheese or milk. Dairy products lower the risk of diabetes and build strong bones.

Limit the quantities of alcohol, sugars, fats and soft drinks. These can contribute to many diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease and many forms of cancer. 
There are a variety of foods that should not be present in your diet except in very small amounts. These foods, such as sugars, alcohol, and some fats, contribute to diseases and poor health.

Some fats are healthy when used in moderate amounts. Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, flaxseed oil, peanut oil and avocados) and polyunsaturated fats (safflower, sesame, and sunflower seeds) will raise your good cholesterol levels. Use these fats when cooking to improve your health.

Other fats are detrimental to your health, and should be limited, if not eliminated entirely. Saturated fat and trans fatty acids raise your bad cholesterol levels, contributing to your risk of heart disease.

Trans fatty acids are found in most cooking oils, shortening and margarine. Trans fatty acids are found in fried foods. Saturated fats are found in beef, veal, lamb and pork, which is why fish and chicken are a healthier choice. Saturated fats are also found in lard, butter, cream and whole milk dairy products.

Always check the labels before purchasing, and make sure the ingredients do not include saturated fats, trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fats.

It is not difficult to follow a healthy diet. A few simple changes to your diet can provide you with better health, a longer life and more energy.

To learn more about dieting and healthy eating go to Sydney’s website, which has a wealth of information about losing weight and healthy dieting tips. She recommends [] for a method that will help you lose weight.

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Thursday, 15 August 2013

Lose Weight With A Healthy Diet

By Jennifer Koon

Your health is always priority in any weight loss diet.

Healthy eating affects not only your weight loss but your bodies overall development.

Nevertheless, healthy diets can be tricky diets, therefore are often avoided. In conjunction, most people believe that a healthy diet involves foods that most of us do not eat nor ever desire to eat. Contrary to that thinking, healthy eating can be easily achieved with straight forward guidelines.

Knowing what healthy food is is important. Knowing is important because weight loss and your health are affected by the food variety you ingest. To have an optimal healthy diet, you must include three key factors.

1. Incorporate Foods from all Basic Food Groups.

Lots of these fad diets today say that this or that is bad for us. However, all food groups are important for a balanced diet, especially with weight loss as a goal. Cutting foods out entirely limits the amount of necessary nutrients that enter your body. Healthy diets consist mostly of fruits and vegetables. Yet, you still need some carbohydrates, fatty foods, and proteins that are part of a healthy fat diet. So the best option is a wide variety of foods.
2. Wide Varieties of Color.

Different foods have various nutritional significances. Some are loaded with different vitamins and some are filled with antioxidants. So a good rule of thumb is to try to vary the colors of your foods to obtain the most nutrients in any weight loss diet. For instance, when you go shopping purchase a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.
3. When You Snack Make It a Healthy Snack.

Snacking and eating more often are extremely helpful in weight loss and healthy diet. As long as the snacks chosen are part of a healthy regiment, they are extremely beneficial for maintaining energy and suppressing those harmful food cravings. Examples of these are fruits, nuts, seeds or raw vegetables.
In conclusion, healthy eating is important in any weight loss plan. There are numerous healthy varieties of food in all the food groups. Creating your healthy weight loss plan using your food preferences, ensures a successful follow through. These three simple guidelines can help in determining what a healthy weight loss plan entails. If you need more specific nutritional information, you can research or ask your physician. Generally, a healthy and well balanced diet full of a variety of food groups is the healthiest and most beneficial route for weight loss.

As a person who was had previous experiences with weight gain and extremely unhealthy eating habits, I began researching healthy diets and weight loss. I do not endorse shameful promotion, nor would I encourage anyone to use any product or method I consider unknown or unsafe. Therefore, I proudly present one of my more recent websites I am creating featuring various all-natural solutions. I will be adding piece by piece to this to compile the best of the best. Feel free to visit as it will be updated frequently- []

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Figure Out Your Healthy Diet Plan

By Roger Michaelson

First it's the Atkins Diet, then it's the Suzanne Summers Diet, then it's the Green Tea diet - are you drowning in a filed of misinformation trying to find your healthy diet plan?

When it comes to a healthy diet plan what you need to remember is that a fad in dieting is just like a fashion fad -here today - gone tomorrow - and usually there is no scientific information that would prove these fads work.

A healthy diet plan never has to be as complicated as many would like to make you believe. I'm a firm believer in simple so if you burn more calories than you eat you are going to loose weight and if you eat more calories than you burn you are going to gain weight. Now how simple is that?

For your healthy diet plan to work it needs to be packed with nutrition and a calorie count that's lower than what you burn. Now you think that would make good sense and fundamentally it does however if you reduce your calorie intake drastically your body is going to panic and go into starvation mode storing everything as fat.

Your healthy diet plan must not reduce your calories more than 500 calories from where you are right now. What you do nee to do however is trade out those fats for healthier choices in the fruits and vegetables category and for heavens sakes remember that if you are having a salad try to keep the dressing calories down.

A healthy diet doesn't restrict any one food group nor does it encourage eating only one food group. Instead you can eat anything you want in moderation including that decadent piece of chocolate cake. But what you do have to do is increase your activity. Increasing activity while reducing calories only slightly is a far more effective way of losing weight long term.

A healthy diet plan will do just that for you. It will retrain the way you think about food it will help you make healthier choices. Calorie count and read labels for awhile but it wont' take long before you won't have to anymore. Once you have retrained your brain you will automatically be drawn to healthy foods and you will know their approximate value. So you see like anything new a little practice and in no time you'll be good as gold.

Of course while you are working on your healthy diet plan you need to also be fine tuning your exercise plan. You need to increase your aerobic workout so that you are burning more calories and you also need to include weight training so that you are toning and building muscle.

A healthy diet plan combined with a healthy exercise program will result in a healthy lifestyle for years to come. You are going to feel great and look fantastic. And with no diet programs to get involved in you'll save your money and your time after all you already have the secret to safe weight loss.

Get all the latest information about Healthy Diets from the only true source at [] Be sure to check out our healthy diet plan [] pages.

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Basics of Healthy Diet Plans

By Vaughn J Tobes

Expert Author Vaughn J Tobes
Healthy diet plans; what are they all about? The idea of eating in a healthy way is considered to be one of the most basic plans when it comes to weight loss. It is important to note that even though portion control is very vital, an individual should focus on making the right healthy food options. In all the diet plans that are considered to be healthy, a person is supposed to add healthy foods and cut out on all foods that are considered to be bad. You may ask what bad foods are. These foods include sugary foods and those that contain high fats. It is important to give all these red flags in order to come up with perfect healthy diet plans.

Healthy Diet Plans: The Basics

Keep in mind that diet options are very important simply because, through healthy eating, you will have weight loss and at the same time, you will see rapid results which will make you enjoy a healthier life. It is therefore important to stick to specific healthy diet plans to be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with it.

There are several basics of wholesome diet options that are supposed to be adhered to in order to come up with a perfect choice. As such, it is important for an individual to follow these basics in order to achieve the best results. One of the most basic things is to develop a list of meals which are to be taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The list of these foods should be composed of all the foods that are nutritious and at the same time easy for you to enjoy. This is important simply because it does not make any sense making a list of foods that are not nutritious and at the same time will not be enjoyed by the rest of the family members.

Don't Make Your Healthy Diet Plans Complex

There are some people who think that in order to achieve the objectives of having healthy diet plans; you ought to have exotic foods or products that are very expensive. Well, this is not true because all you have to do is to have some discipline which will make you go a long way in making healthy options. After you have made the list, ensure that the healthy diet is incorporated with a selection of vegetables, nuts, fruits and legumes among others. The importance of including these foods in healthy diet plans is that, they play a major role in staving off hunger attacks and this in turn helps in keeping the blood sugar regulated. Ensure that you put a limitation on such things as alcohol and salt intake. In addition to this, ensure that you stay away from stressful situations for any of these healthy diet plans to work effectively in your body.

The other basic thing about healthy diet plans is that there should be healthy carbohydrates. When cooking any meal, it is highly advisable for an individual to ensure that she has selected the healthiest carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole grain breads among others. Some other carbohydrates such white rice, white flour and white potatoes among others are considered to be bad carbs and should be avoided when planning a healthy diet.

It is important to include healthy fats in the diet plans as well. This is because they are very important parts of your diet. At the same time, they are filling and satisfying. Stick to monounsaturated fats as they are healthy to the body and at the same time they protect the heart. In conclusion, all the good diet options are supposed to have healthy protein which can be obtained from eggs, cheese, lean meats and turkey breasts among others.

Proven Healthy Diet Plans For You

In order to achieve the better body through healthy diet plans, you need that strict nutrition plan, a proven training program, and solid motivation to make it work. Discover proven diet plans and fitness information including what you need to know about all those diets to go. Click the links for more details.

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Monday, 12 August 2013

What Is A Healthy Diet Plan?

By Humberto Chacon

Expert Author Humberto Chacon
What Is A Healthy Diet?


In general terms a healthy diet is a diet that provides your body with all the nutrients it needs everyday.

There are established categories for all the nutrients our body needs and at the top are the macro-nutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

There are also established percentages of each macro-nutrient that our body needs everyday, and although these percentages may vary a bit according to gender, size and age, the differences are not that far apart.

So a healthy diet is one that provides you with the right percentage of macro-nutrients from all food groups everyday.


The answer to what is a healthy diet when it comes to calories is a diet that provides the necessary calories that your body needs everyday.

According to your age, gender and size, there are also established numbers of calories that you need everyday in order for your body to perform all its activities, sometimes this level of calories is referred to as the maintenance weight caloric level.

What Is A Healthy Diet For Weight Loss?


A healthy diet for weight loss is also a diet that ensures that you take all the nutrients you need everyday and that provides them from all food groups without prohibiting any set of particular foods or groups of foods, like carbs or fat.


An established healthy level to lose weight is to go below your daily maintenance caloric level by no more than 20 to 30%.

Healthy Lifestyle

The answer to what is a healthy diet only covers a part of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle; a healthy lifestyle entails that you consistently adhere to healthy habits, diet, exercise, mental and behavioral habits that not only don't cause harm to your body but that actually enhance all of its functions.

No matter at what stage on your life you're in or what habits are part of your life right now, you can always pursue a healthy lifestyle that will maintain your weight and overall healthy body.

Healthy Diet Sustainability

To be able to achieve a healthy lifestyle and develop healthy eating knowing what is a healthy diet is not enough, within the parameters of what is healthy there are innumerable combinations of foods to make meals, as well as factors like convenience that will make it easier or harder to consistently follow a healthy eating habit.

What Is A Healthy Diet I Can Follow?

The short answer is a diet that works for you, that contains the foods you like and that has foods, meals and recipes you can actually eat or prepare within your lifestyle, a healthy diet that requires a lot of cooking won't do for example if your current lifestyle requires to be working or away from home most of the time.

Learn nutrition but also learn the food combinations, preparation and tastes that you know you can sustain within your schedule.

One good source for learning healthy eating, cooking and options are commercial diets, most focus on weight loss but most also have options to maintain your weight, from them you can learn what you like or not, taste the combination of foods, find out what you like or not, or what options you can buy in regular places accessible to you when you are at work and with online diet offerings today you can even customize your meals over time.

To learn more about diet options visit, a good source to find out dozens of diets where you can specify your particular needs and find out which diets match your requirements best.

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Sunday, 11 August 2013

What Is The Meaning Of A Healthy Diet?

By Shondra Carter

If you ask a variety of people "What is a Healthy Diet?" you will get a variety of answers. A lot of of the answers will depend upon exactly what you mean by a weight loss plan

Are you looking for diets lose weight? Do you just want dieting tips to feel better? Maybe you are expecting and want a good program for pregnancy? Your exact goals will make a big difference as people start to give you nutritional tips.

Since it is very rare for dieting to be recommended during pregnancy, a diet for losing weight and a diet for pregnancy are often considered very different things. However, in both cases, the basic principles are similar in both cases. A good diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, plenty of water and a limited amount of saturated fats and sugar.

Healthy Diet Plans sometimes has more options than for pregnancy. Most people would not recommend that a healthy diet for pregnancy sway very far from the traditional pyramid diet. However, dieting tips for weight loss can include suggestions such as starting off with a detox cleanse or going on a low carb diet.

While it is important to watch out for fads there is more than one way to participate in a weight loss program. Of course no matter who you are it is important to watch what you eat. Paying attention to how you eat will help you stay at the top of your game. Even if you are at a good weight and you are not following a good diet plan you may get sick more often or feel sluggish.

So what is a good diet if you aren't concerned about weight loss. Followed correctly, a healthy diet program is part of a lifestyle not just a diet program.

Perhaps you are wondering how to have a good diet if you don't want to give up your favorite foods. Don't despair. Variety is an important component of any diet plan. If you are on a healthy diet to lose weight you may want to reconsider some of the ingredients you choose. For example, if you order a pizza you will want to choose thin crust and better meats, such as steak or chicken, or vegetables. You may also want to go light on the cheese. Keeping portion sizes to one or two pieces and having a piece of fruit as either an appetizer or dessert will help you stay on your diet program.

Moderation is always an important consideration for a healthy diet, whether weight loss is a goal or not, Many people are able to take this concept to heart and come up with their own plan. Others struggle more to find the right diet plan. For those who do need a diet for weight loss there are many places one can look for a healthy diet program with plenty of dieting tips and support. By following Healthy Diet Plans you can stick to them and you will live a more productive healthier life.

Check out our exclusive Healthy Diet Plans [] while using the weight loss calculator to meet your weight loss goals today!

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Healthy Diet Plans - Useful Facts You Might Not Know

By Nickolas Debartolo

When we think of eating to lose weight, we always associate it with diets that focus on specific portions and combinations of foods. It conveys images of strict calorie-counting that verges on starvation. From high-protein low-carbohydrate to lemon diet to crash diets and all other forms of dieting in between, weight loss diets are far from healthy. Most of the time, they are ill-designed and do not meet an individual's nutritional requirements.

The primary objective of a healthy diet is not weight loss. It is the promotion and maintenance of good health. The World Health Organization gave five recommendations on the composition of a health diet: It achieves the right balance between energy and a healthy weight; work towards unsaturated fat consumption as it seeks the elimination of trans-fatty acids; increases consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts; limits the intake of simple sugars and limits salt or sodium consumption from all sources and ensures that salt is iodized. With these guidelines, a healthy diet prevents many health risks plaguing the nation today which include, among others, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Healthy diets, then, are not fad diets- the usual diets that those on the road to weight loss adhere to. Healthy diets are meals where all the various food groups are represented. It's a diet with sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats. It's one where fruits and vegetables figure prominently. It's also one where water is not neglected.

A healthy diet is not merely a matter of proper food choices. It's also about healthy eating as well. This means eating a hearty breakfast to jumpstart your day and spreading the rest of your meals throughout in two to three hour intervals. It's also about smaller portions which you can consume. Not only does this promote wise food spending, it keeps diseases that stem from overconsumption such as obesity, at bay. Healthy eating is also about wise shopping. It means going local for your produce such as fruits and vegetables. It means choosing fresh over preserved. It means going for what's in season as well.

Healthy eating is also about enjoying mealtimes and chewing food well. It's not using food as an excuse to vent frustration, anger or depression. It's about meal planning, diet simplification and moderation. It's also about living a healthy lifestyle where stress management and exercise form part of life.

When a person eats healthy, a fitter, better and well-balanced individual results. When people observe healthy eating habits and make healthy diets part of their lifestyle, obesity doesn't become an issue. There would be no need for fad or crash diets that only serves to compound the problem. For those who are already faced with the serious health burden of shedding those extra pounds, all it really takes is the observance of healthy eating and dieting habits and exercise to jumpstart the road back to wellness. In the final analysis, healthy diets, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle form part of one big package which can only be described as living a "high quality of life."

Check out my shocking E3Live reviews and discover the truth about the E3 Live blue green algae supplement.

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Friday, 9 August 2013

Healthy Diet Programs Reduce the Obesity

By Ashton Smith

Diet, it can be also called as slim fast diet because most of the people will be in diet to reduce their problem of obesity. Diet therapy is a broad term for the practical application of nutrition as a preventative or corrective treatment of disease. This usually involves the modification of an existing dietary lifestyle to promote optimum health. However, in some cases, an alternative dietary lifestyle plan may be developed for the purpose of eliminating certain foods in order to reclaim health. We can't reduce our weight unless we follow some strict health diet program. Obesity is the major concern why most of the people follow the diet programs and without healthy diet programs, physical exercises cannot be effective.

Diet and physical exercises when gets combined gives the possible results. Often, these diets are named after a particular region or culture that regularly consume certain kinds of foods and are relatively free of certain diseases. The Mediterranean Diet stresses the use of healthy sources of monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil. Eskimo diet reduces the risk of heart disease and similarly many diet plans are there. Toady people are interested in joining weight loss programs camp or fitness camps to reduce their weight. What is the reason for the people to join in those fitness camps? In these camps, they have all the facilities with best personal fitness trainer, fitness experts and nutrition experts. These fitness retreat camps are equipped well and they follow a good healthy diet menu planner.

Those camps provide the slim fast diet foods and gourmet diet plans. Gourmet diet includes natural, healthful, global, and socially responsible fare as well. One of the main characteristic is that it is consistent through all forms of gourmet cooking and uses the ingredients that are of the highest quality. A gourmet diet plan will do a lot in body shaping and it is where you get the healthy foods in a better way. In fitness retreat camps, the nutrition expert guide provides you a healthy food delivery program and ensures that you get a healthy food delivery service. Healthy diet program is essential because as you do some physical exercises, your body gets degenerated and you need a healthy food plan that does not harm you in any means. That is, it comprises of both health and nutrition's and also helps you to get boosted soon.

A healthy diet program involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are wide varieties of diets that may be considered healthy diets. A healthy diet menu planner is one that helps maintain or improve health and it is important for the prevention of many chronic health risks such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A healthy diet needs to have a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro nutrients such as energy, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and Micronutrients are to meet the needs for human nutrition without inducing toxicity from excessive amounts.

The secret to a healthy and fit body includes a healthy diet menu planner and slim fast diet foods that helps in keeping us in good shape.The biggest loser training program varies from individual to individual and helps in attaining the target. For more information visit our site

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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Creating Your Own Personal Healthy Diet Plan

By Lloyd Chase

Choosing a healthy diet plan may require the services of a certified nutritionist, with medical input by your physician. This could entail two trips to the doctor's office, and a number of sit-downs with the nutritionist, before you even get started.

This is the preferred way to start a healthy diet plan, especially if you are under a doctor's care for diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease. Planning is essential to establish the don'ts, and to determine the extent of the do's. You don't want to regret not taking these initial steps later on.

After you get rolling with your diet plan, there would still be a need for occasional consultations with both professionals, to monitor your progress. They may make adjustment to your diet plan as you proceed toward your goal.

No healthy diet plan is complete without regular exercise. A personal trainer would be ideal, if you can afford one. But most people would rather become a member of a health spa or exercise gym, where personal trainer services are included in the membership fees. The services may not be too personal, but will suffice.

The nutritionist, doctor, and trainer could become a costly venture. In fact, it could cost you two arms and a leg to actually start a healthy diet plan. But thank heavens there is a way to keep your arms and leg, and pay almost nothing to achieve the same benefits.

Dietary Guidelines

The US Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services announced the release of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The Dietary Guidelines is published jointly every 5 years by the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The Guidelines provide advice for all Americans two years and older about how to make healthy dietary choices. They are designed to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, overweight and obesity through improved nutrition and physical exercise.

The 7th edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans places stronger emphasis on reducing calorie consumption and increasing physical activity and/or exercise, because more than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. This edition, like previous ones, also serves as the basis for Federal food and nutrition education programs.

Structure of Food Guides

Most countries have developed some sort of food nutrition guide, for its people, establishing a healthy diet and nutrition plan to keep the nation healthy. The guide usually consists of four to six food groups, detailing the daily serving servings for each group, and other recommendations for healthy eating.

Some food nutrition guides take the shape of a dish, a platter, or a pyramid, and are referred to as such. The USDA food nutrition guide, which depicts the Dietary Guidelines, takes the shape of a pyramid, and is called MyPyramid.

MyPyramid illustrates color triangles for each food category. Foods from the largest triangles should be eaten most often, while those from the smallest triangle eaten in small amounts.

MyPyramid Plan gives recommendations for healthy eating, by helping you choose from a assortment of foods, recommending the servings size and the number servings per day.

MyPyramid Basic Messages gives you important tips and recommendations for healthy eating, and daily exercise.

Inside MyPyramid provides detail recommendations for healthy eating, to help improve your diet plan, including data about each food group, number of calories, and physical workout.

MyPyramid Tracker offers an activity chart for entering all the foods eaten each day, and all daily physical activities performed.

This allows you to adopt good recommendations for healthy eating, and monitor your progress.

The Healthy Diet Program

MyPyramid Plan is equipped with a tool that creates a unique diet program for the individual diet planner. It utilizes age, sex, weight, height, and the level of your physical daily activity to calculate your daily recommendations. It provides the amount of each food group to include in your daily intake, and the number of calories for your diet plan.

A special worksheet is provided for documentation of your daily food intake and physical activity. Very little typing is required. You make selections from pop up menus about your daily activities. Upon request, your daily activities are compared against dietary guidelines, and some recommendations are made to improve your diet plan. The worksheet is printable. Use it as a reference guide, to construct a healthy diet plan.

MyPyramids Plan also features MyPyramid Tracker, an on line dietary and physical assessment tool that provides information on the quality of the diet and physical activity. At the click of a button, you are told whether you are eating adequately form all food groups. It also provides information about the food groups, which enables you to make better choices to design a healthy diet plan.

As you can see, MyPyramid Plan provides the services of a nutritionist, to help you create a healthy diet plan, that doesn't cost your arms and leg. But for those people who suffer certain diseases, physical activities are not recommended before a consultation with your physician.

To get started click on over to MyPyramid Plan, fill in the information, follow the instructions, and you will create a customized healthy diet plan to fit your individual needs.

©Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

Lloyd is the author of Visit for more useful information about nutrition essentials to control aging, sexual health, and promote healthier living.

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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

For Healthy Weight Loss - You Need a Healthy Diet Plan

By Ricardo D Argence

Expert Author Ricardo D Argence
When it comes to losing weight, you can do it in many ways, but some of them are unhealthy. This has been a problem for many around the globe. Although "quick weight loss" is certainly possible (and many diet plans focus on this), it's much more important that a diet plan be effective and healthy at the same time. You need a healthy diet plan if you want healthy weight loss. You won't necessarily lose weight quickly, but you'll get results that are lasting, and you won't have unhealthy side effects.

It's really, really easy to "diet." Almost everyone has done so at some point, although people disagree on what really effective weight loss actually means. If you just have a few pounds to lose or if you are really, really overweight, most people want to lose at least some weight. (Even normal weight or underweight people often want to lose weight when they don't need to.) If you do need to lose weight, you need to approach it right, though.

Take your pick: You've got exercise programs, detox programs, weight loss pills, and many other trends that purport to help you lose weight. However, few of these programs simply focus on what you eat -- and on a healthy diet plan -- to achieve healthy weight loss. However, if you eat to lose weight and you do so in a healthy fashion, you're going to do just that. In other words, you can have healthy weight loss that's easy. It doesn't have to be difficult.

Simply, take a commonsense approach. There really is no "perfect diet" for everyone. You can, however, simply eat to lose weight by doing some commonsense things. Don't try to measure every morsel, measure how many fat grams, how much carbohydrate, how much fiber, and how much sugar. Focus on healthy eating as your goal, and just focus on that.

You can do a few things that will help encourage weight loss. Increase your fiber, reduce "first portion" sizes, reduce sweets and fatty foods, and drink a lot of water. Add some exercise to your healthy diet plan, too, and you'll see the weight simply fall off. Don't count calories; do things much more simply. Exercise a little self-control and some patience, and you can see that you will definitely be able to lose weight.

Let's say, for example, that your doctor has told you you are at risk for diabetes as a result of extra weight. So, your doctor may put you on the "diabetes diet" to help you lose that weight. It's a little difficult at first to follow a diet in order to lose weight -- and in fact it can be really, really easy to do things wrong. For example, maybe you think just one little bag of potato chips won't hurt, or that you can have just one treat. Or, maybe you think that what should be a half a cup of rice is a little too small, so you increase it to a cup.

However, when you develop a healthy weight loss plan, you remain vigilant. That doesn't mean you can never have sweets or fats. Instead, you build a healthy eating plan with healthy foods, practice modest portion control, and have an occasional treat that you PLAN for, now and then. Simply, practice common sense, be honest, and keep going. That's harder than it sounds; if it weren't, no one would have these problems.

Try this and see how successful you are at it. A healthy weight loss plan is going to help you get and keep the weight off, for life. Develop a healthy eating plan, and don't simply "binge and purge." Don't go off your diet once you've lost the weight you need to, or go back to your old eating habits. That'll just make you gain the weight, so you'll have to start again. Build a healthy diet plan, exercise some self-control, include some exercise in your day, and you'll never "diet" again.

Sick and tired of fad diets that doesn't work? Here you will find articles and reviews of the most successful diet plans to lose weight permanently. You can also watch my videos about healthy diet plans to lose weight quickly.

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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A Healthy Diet is All About Avoiding the Dietary Landmines

By Paul Newland

Expert Author Paul Newland

The 'dietary landmines' (i.e. things to avoid for a healthy diet plan!):

o Sugar - sugar is linked to a number of diseases such as obesity and adult diabetes and malnutrition. Sugar stops nutrients being absorbed and another problem with sugar is that the blood tends to stick together more raising your risk of cardiovascular disease. Sugar is also classed as a 'bad fat'. Healthy Diet = no sugar!

o Caffeine - Caffeine stops nutrients being absorbed and increases your loss of minerals and other essential nutrients, particularly from the bones. If you have osteoporosis or arthritis, avoid it totally. Otherwise, no more than one latte a day!

o Alcohol - Alcohol also prevents the absorption of nutrients and damages cells. (Reduce your intake as much as possible for a healthy diet plan).

o Vegetable oils and Margarine - of all the oils, hydrogenated oils and margarine are the worst; also don't heat vegetable oils or fry with them. This is because they turn into a fat structure (trans-fatty acids) that damages cells. Margarine is one chemical element away from plastic and is dangerous at all temperatures - definitely not part of a healthy diet. And heated vegetable oils, along with margarine (whether hot or cold) are rancid fats and form damaging chemicals in our body.

They are linked to diseases such as strokes, Alzheimer's, MS, coronary artery disease, cancer, macular degeneration, just to name a few. Extra virgin Olive oil in very small amounts is best (keep it in the fridge). Advice for a healthy diet is to use olive oil or cook in butter or ghee on low heat.

o Fried foods - Fried foods of all types fall into the same category as above. If you eat fried foods, you need to take plenty of antioxidants and plenty of the good fats to counteract them. Good fats keep you slim, regulate your hormones, keep your arteries clean and help to prevent some cancers, heart disease and strokes. Examples of good fats are fish, meat, nuts, flaxseed oil, borage oil, linseed oil, avocados - to name a few. Bad fats do the opposite!

o Carbonated drinks - Carbonated drinks do not form part of a healthy diet. Carbonation is produced by phosphoric acid and this causes the following major problems: 1) It acidifies your system - the ideal environment for cancer and arthritis. 2) It neutralizes stomach acid so you don't absorb nutrients. 3) It increases the loss of minerals from your body. They frequently have caffeine or sugar - see the above. Health professionals commonly agree that carbonated drinks will cause an epidemic of disease in our youth.

o Burned animal fat - it tastes great to some people, but burned animal fat is carcinogenic and there are a mile of studies to prove it. You can "have your steak and eat it" and make it part of a healthy diet plan, but make sure it is slow cooked and preferably medium rare. None of the black stuff!

o Carbohydrates - avoid simple carbohydrates like sugar, starches (potatoes, corn, wheat). Carbohydrates are a source of energy but we need slow release energy as opposed to fast carbohydrates that give us too much sugar. Examples of slow release carbohydrates are vegetables, beans, tomatoes.

o Sugar substitutes containing Aspartame - any so called 'diet' drinks and diet products contain aspartame - a dangerous sugar substitute linked to a growing list of health problems such as: headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer. It worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression. Definitely not part of a healthy diet.

o Don't smoke!

Now we come to food that promotes health and that you should make part of a healthy diet plan!:

o Drink 8-10 glasses of pure, fresh water every day. This assists the body in dealing with toxins and keeps you hydrated. A small investment in a water filter is good advice. In the long run, it's a cheaper option than bottled water and will keep you and your family healthy. Remember to change the filter regularly.

o Two eggs a day - the most recent scientific studies conclusively prove that eating eggs will not raise the levels of dangerous cholesterol (LDL). The scientists really got this one wrong! Eggs are a very cheap and healthy food source of vitamins and protein and actually have very little effect on cholesterol. They are a key feature of a healthy diet. If the egg is not overly cooked or fried, then the nutrients will not be damaged and are easily absorbed. So eat them soft boiled, poached or lightly scrambled.

o Plenty of vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables - a great source of minerals, vitamins and fibre.

o Meat - slow cooked and to medium rare to avoid over-cooking. Meat is still one of the best sources of amino acids (protein), 'good fats', minerals and vitamins. Fish is also a fantastic healthy food and a great source of good fats (omega oils) too - just make sure you buy your fish from a trusted supplier so you avoid heavy metal contamination (such as Mercury).

o Other examples of good fats are fish, meat, nuts, flaxseed oil, borage oil, linseed oil, avocados - to name a few. Most people find it difficult to consume enough essential fatty acids from a healthy diet - in this case we recommend you take essential fatty acid supplements from a reliable and high quality source.

o Butter instead of margarine - margarine, when at or above room temperature will turn into rancid fat and damage cells.

o Salt your food to taste! Salt is essential for nerve transmission and in providing all your sells with liquid. Iodized sea salt is an excellent source. Avoid all types of processed salt. No single medical study has ever proven a relationship between salt intake and high blood pressure, which is a calcium deficiency.

o A small to moderate amount of exercise each day - about 20 minutes is fine for strength, flexibility and cardiovascular health. Little and often is best. If you don't have time to jog or walk in the mornings or evenings, even just doing some 10 minutes of press-ups, sit-ups and stretches is much better than doing nothing. If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can try working out at home.

As you can see, none of these things are really that hard to do. If you have trouble with this healthy diet plan then I'd encourage you to begin by writing down everything you eat over a 7 day period then start making small changes rather than drastic alterations so that you find it easy to adapt to and stick to this healthier diet.

Essential Nutrients are Part of a Healthy Diet Plan

Whilst most people will tell you that you can get everything you need from the food you eat, in fact the opposite is true - especially if we are to get the nutrients in their optimal amounts.

We live in an age where we are subjected to chemicals and fertilizers in our food, pollution, a 'fast food' culture - all of this places higher demands on the body in terms of nutrition.

When you combine this with the fact that our farm soils are overused and the crops which are produced (and the animals that feed from them) are depleted of minerals - it is no wonder why it is so hard to enjoy a healthy diet from the food we eat.

We see evidence of this in rising rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, chronic diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis and many others.
The answer, is to supplement with a broad range of nutrients - vitamins, minerals, amino acids (protein), and essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

When you combine nutritional supplements with healthy diet choices, then you are giving yourself the best chance to avoid one of many nutritional deficiency diseases.


Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through []

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Monday, 5 August 2013

Healthy Dieting - How to Lose Fat the Healthy Way

By Mat W Ronny

Healthy dieting is a part of the various public's everyday lives. Yet, diets can sometimes be very bad if you create poor decisions basically to lose weight.

A excellent tip for healthy dieting is never say never. Some public intent on losing weight are intent on dieting and not on low-calorie dieting. Slimming dieting probably needs losing some weight over an extended period of time rather than in a very short period of time. The person intent on healthy dieting will possibly want to eat just the healthiest of foods. These healthy foods will consist of a balance of protein, fat, fruits and vegetables. Healthy dieting will also enclose plenty of fruits and vegetables even if the human being concerned does not like these food groups.

Dieting is only taking the balanced portion of food that the body needs at a time to remain low-calorie and fit. One can not achieve the desired low-calorie goal by exercising alone until healthy dieting lifestyle is incorporated. It's simply a task that needs your dedication. Together with healthy way of dieting comes light amounts of training of course. Be cautious of any diet that claims you'll lose weight quickly without exercising. Even with cardio workouts and weight lifting, it's bad to lose weight too rapid. Healthy diets will truly facilitate you to burn down fat and gain muscle. However, use caution that your dieting is usually what's greatest for your body.

Light dieting is very essential for your eyesight, is repeatedly an emotional and difficult journey. Most people are usually focused only on the weight, as a number, but they aren't looking on how to reach a healthy weight in a low-fat way.

Healthy diets can truly help you to burn fat and gain power. Remember, apart from cutting on costs and avoiding toxic food, the 100 mile diet has the potential to enhance the quality of your health and way of life and also prove to be a major step towards healthy dieting and losing weight. Once you follow this new diet, you will be less inclined to eating fries, ice cream, chocolates and other fatty food ensuring that you lose body fat and maintain a light weight.

Start Your Healthy Diet today. Here is my personal recommendation: Fat Loss Miracle a Healthy Dieting Guide! Start losing that stomach fat the healthy way.

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Sunday, 4 August 2013

Healthy Dieting - How to Lose Fat the Healthy Way

By Mat W Ronny

Healthy dieting is a part of the various public's everyday lives. Yet, diets can sometimes be very bad if you create poor decisions basically to lose weight.

A excellent tip for healthy dieting is never say never. Some public intent on losing weight are intent on dieting and not on low-calorie dieting. Slimming dieting probably needs losing some weight over an extended period of time rather than in a very short period of time. The person intent on healthy dieting will possibly want to eat just the healthiest of foods. These healthy foods will consist of a balance of protein, fat, fruits and vegetables. Healthy dieting will also enclose plenty of fruits and vegetables even if the human being concerned does not like these food groups.

Dieting is only taking the balanced portion of food that the body needs at a time to remain low-calorie and fit. One can not achieve the desired low-calorie goal by exercising alone until healthy dieting lifestyle is incorporated. It's simply a task that needs your dedication. Together with healthy way of dieting comes light amounts of training of course. Be cautious of any diet that claims you'll lose weight quickly without exercising. Even with cardio workouts and weight lifting, it's bad to lose weight too rapid. Healthy diets will truly facilitate you to burn down fat and gain muscle. However, use caution that your dieting is usually what's greatest for your body.

Light dieting is very essential for your eyesight, is repeatedly an emotional and difficult journey. Most people are usually focused only on the weight, as a number, but they aren't looking on how to reach a healthy weight in a low-fat way.

Healthy diets can truly help you to burn fat and gain power. Remember, apart from cutting on costs and avoiding toxic food, the 100 mile diet has the potential to enhance the quality of your health and way of life and also prove to be a major step towards healthy dieting and losing weight. Once you follow this new diet, you will be less inclined to eating fries, ice cream, chocolates and other fatty food ensuring that you lose body fat and maintain a light weight.

Start Your Healthy Diet today. Here is my personal recommendation: Fat Loss Miracle a Healthy Dieting Guide! Start losing that stomach fat the healthy way.

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Saturday, 3 August 2013

Maintaining a Healthy Diet - A Healthy Choice to a Healthier You

By Carolyn Anderson

Expert Author Carolyn Anderson
Maintaining a healthy diet is essential in every man's daily living. If you are dieting to lose weight, or you just want to stay healthy and free from illnesses and diseases, maintaining a healthy diet is one good way in living a healthy and happy life.

With the busy lifestyle we have today and with our demanding jobs, we tend to go for foods that are instantly prepared or something that we can munch or chew while on the go. We also tend to take in a lot of processed foods because we find them convenient and easy. And of course, the price we pay for convenience and 'fast' food is depriving our bodies with the proper nutrition it needs.

In this busy world, we ought to pause for a while and check on our diet. We may have realized about that many times, but like losing weight, we keep putting it off or we could not really find a motivation in maintaining a healthy diet.

What is Healthy

A healthy diet is one which helps you maintain good health and keeps your body away from diseases. It is a balanced diet that will help you get active in your daily life and that is something that will help your body perform at its best. Although different people may require different levels of what is a good diet for them, maintaining a healthy diet and a balanced one would mean eating a wide variety of foods that will give you the right combination of nutrients. It would mean lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and lesser saturated fats.

Aside from giving your body the nutrients required to make it work and function well, good taste of course is also a factor. You do not have to sacrifice to a bland diet to make it healthy. In fact, fruits and vegetables have their own distinct and delicious taste. We just have to give time to prepare such natural sources of vitamins and minerals needed by our body, but in this busy world today, we seem to forget about it and switch to the most convenient and easy to prepare food.

How to maintain a healthy and good diet

Maintaining a healthy diet may indeed be a little difficult especially if we are constantly in a rush. One way of making a healthy and balanced diet is to choose healthier foods and do away with those fancy and fast foods. It is not hard to find a piece of apple for a snack or a have some vegetables for dinner. You just have to choose healthy foods while shopping or you can store them frozen.

Because certain foods give particular nutrients and benefits to the body, it is important that you maintain a healthy and balanced diet by taking in a variety of nutritious food. This way, you will be able to get a lot of different nutrients for your body. You may also change your diet depending on your existing health conditions.

Also think about just the right amount of food that your body needs. Obesity is a very common problem, and do not feed yourself more than what your body can take in. If you are obese, help take care of yourself by shedding those extra fats that your body does not need. When you trim down to your ideal weight, stay healthy by having a healthy and balanced diet. 

Carolyn Anderson is a fan of healthy dieting without the added calories and fats. For recipes that will allow you to maintain your weight while having delicious recipes, check out Dieter Gourmet Cookbook. Also check out Day Off Diet, where you can learn losing weight without counting calories in your diet.

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Friday, 2 August 2013

Barriers to Healthy Diets -- Removing them is not as hard as you think

By Michael Smith, MD

Expert Author Michael Smith, MD
Barriers to healthy diets are placed into four broad categories:

External Barriers
Psychological Barriers
Physical Barriers
Dieting Barriers

This article examines only the most difficult barriers in each category. Let's remove the barriers to healthy diets...but first, "What is a Healthy Diet?"
What is a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet provides the recommended daily allowance for vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Any diet that fails to meet the minimum daily allowance for any nutrient is unhealthy. Of course, providing the daily allowance for all nutrients is next to impossible given the poor nutritional value of today's diets.

We eat on average 1.5 meals a day (not even close to the suggested 5-6 meals). The one meal we manage to eat is usually late in the evening, high in calories, high in fat, and is missing Group I Foods (fresh vegetables and fruit).

The majority of young men between the ages of 20-25 eat only 2 servings of fruit and 1 serving of fresh vegetables throughout the week! The next generation is nutritionally starved.

A healthy diet is quite simple and easy to follow. Here are the steps to eating a healthy diet:

Eat 5-6 meals a day.
Every meal should have a serving of lean protein, complex carbohydrate, and unlimited amounts of Group I Foods.
Eat approximately 40-50% protein, 30-40% complex carbohydrates, and 30% fat everyday. Limit sugars, saturated fats, and trans-fatty-acids.
Maintain a slightly negative energy balance or perfectly balance it. How do you accomplish this? Read the next few steps!
Calculate your energy output everyday. Energy output is the Resting Metabolic Rate plus the number of calories burned through physical activity.
Subtract your energy output from your energy input -- the number of calories you eat a day. The result is the remaining total energy and it determines your energy balance. If the result is a positive number, you have a Positive Energy Balance. Simply, cut back on the amount you eat. If the result is negative, you have a Negative Energy Balance. Increase the amount you eat.
Make adjustments to energy input (the number of calories you eat a day) so that you'll remain with a slightly negative energy balance. Some weight loss experts advocate a strong negative energy balance at baseline. In theory, this makes sense but in practice it's associated with weight regain. I believe that energy should be balanced or slightly negative at baseline. The closer to a balanced energy state, the better the chance for avoiding weight regain and maintaining your ideal weight for a longer period of time.
Do not cut back, slow down, or stop exercising. If adjustments need to be made, it's better to make dietary changes than to make changes to your exercise plan.
A healthy diet is simple to follow. Eat fewer calories, exercise, and make dietary adjustments as needed. No pills, supplements, acupuncture, magnets, or magic minerals are needed. Just a calculator.
Removing External Barriers to Healthy Diets

Two difficult external barriers are peer pressure and time. Our friends and family influence our lives more than we like to admit. They affect our decisions, choices, moods, behavior, and weight.

During medical school, I worked in a weight loss clinic to make some money. I will never forget the level of influence a spouse or friend could have on a patient. Several times, I saw first hand someone, other than the patient, make the dieting decisions.

At this level of influence, our peer groups can make a big impact on eating a healthy diet. Just keep this influence thing in mind. OR, should I say, "Keep it in mind only if you have TIME."

Time is another rarely acknowledged external barrier to healthy diets. We live in world that seems to lose time. The normal 24 hour day feels more like 15 hours. All we do is rush from one event or appointment to the next. Eating a healthy diet is next to impossible.

Please, slow down. Who knows, by slowing down we might actually pay attention to the important things in our lives. I find that the more I rush the less I get done. And what I do finish, really isn't all that important.

Be serious about eating a healthy diet and slow down.

Removing Dieting Barriers to Healthy Diets

About two to three decades ago, while watching repeats on TV, Americans changed their diets and started eating lots of fat and processed foods. We have suffered ever since.

Eating lots of fat created a macronutrient imbalance and has clogged our arteries. Then we fell in love with processed foods. This love affair drained all of the vitamins and minerals from our bodies and resulted in a micronutrient deficiency.

Until we restore things to the pre-TV Dinner diet, we will continue to suffer heart attacks and weight gain.

It's really crazy...we stuff ourselves with heavy fat and then starve for vitamins and minerals.

Removing Physical Barriers to Healthy Diets

Physically, our lack of exercise is the greatest barrier to healthy diets. Start exercising! Walk. Jog. Swim. Lift weights. Sweat. Move. Breath. Live.

Removing Psychological Barriers to Healthy Diets

The mind can be tough to control, especially when it comes to hunger. But what can help is changing your food perspective. Where do you place food in your life? To help you through this important change in perspective, check out...Weight Loss Psychology


Watch the influences in your life, slow down, reduce fat, eat raw vegetables and fruit, exercise, and change your food perspective.

Once you've done all that, then you can focus on eating a healthy diet. I think we need to get back the 24 hour day, what do you think?

To Healthy Living!

Michael A. Smith, MD

Chief Medical Consultant

Diet Basics Website

Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for the Diet Basics Website, a content rich weight loss website dedicated to all dieters. Visit his site and check out his Diet Basics News Blog [] and RSS Feed. Hundreds of E-Zines and Websites have already tapped into this incredible free source of weight loss information. Don't miss out!

Article Source:,_MD

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Healthy Diet For Teenagers - Essential For A Long Healthy Life

By T. Alline

Expert Author T. Alline
If you have teenagers in your house or do a teen yourself, know what a healthy diet for teenagers looks like are an important piece of information. The most important aspect of a healthy diet for teenagers is that it is, in fact, healthy. While most people think fats are bad, a healthy diet for teenagers actually needs some fats as part of their diet. Healthy diet foods are essential for a long and healthy life.

Healthy and moderate eating gives you an active, slender, and naturally healthy body. Calorie requirements for teens vary just like they do for adults, but on average a teenage girl needs between 1,800 and 2,100 calories a day, while boys need between 2,200 and 2,700 calories daily. Secondly, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes-foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat and free of cholesterol-should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. When your body gets the food it needs, it can burn calories efficiently which results in weight loss.

Eat early, eat often

Think you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your calorie limit. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment early in the day gives your body time to work those calories off. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and are packed with vitamins, minerals, protective plant compounds and fiber.

Eating healthy is a long-term lifestyle choice, something you are going to do for your entire lifetime. It depends on your lifestyle, your weight, your age and most importantly the state of your health.

If you have teenagers in your house or do a teen yourself, know what a healthy diet for teenagers looks like are an important piece of information. The most important aspect of a healthy diet for teenagers is that it is, in fact, healthy. While most people think fats are bad, a healthy diet for teenagers actually needs some fats as part of their diet.

Let's take the weapons

There are many diets for teenagers to find out in the Diets like 
oLemonade Diet 
o1200 Calorie Diet 
oFat Smash Diet 
oThyroid Diet 
oVegetables Diet Or also the Atkins Diet has many Topics about Healthy Diets for Teenagers.

Teenagers still have a lot of growing to do, and they need a lot of nutrients to get them through all the schoolwork, dances, and football games, hanging out with friends, heartbreak and everything else that are part of being a teenager. Teenagers also need 6 to 11 servings of carbohydrates every day. In The Diet for Teenagers Only, Carrie Wyatt and Barbara Schroeder give teenagers the dietary weapons they need to fight back and make smart, independent decisions about nutrition. Written in a conversational, lighthearted voice, but filled with practical tips and must-have information, The Diet for Teenagers only is a breakthrough diet plan specifically tailored to fit teenage needs and lifestyles.

All diets are easy to follow and made just for teenagers. Teens need lots of calories and good nutrients, particularly calcium and iron, which are important for all the growth and development happening at this stage of life. Teenagers may need to vary their caloric intake based on their specific needs. Read on to know all about a healthy diet for teenagers. The Natural Health Library offers more than fifteen free, downloadable books and interviews on natural health solutions.

Healthy diet is not only about restricting self towards food which is unhealthy but eating a balanced diet which comprises of all the necessary nutrients which also includes adequate amount of water. An unhealthy diet is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases including: high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal blood lipids, overweight/obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. It may be easier for such a person to transition to a healthy diet if treats such as chocolate are allowed; sweets may act as mood stabilizers, which could help reinforce correct nutrient intake. A healthy diet for teenagers is crucial to prevent various physical disorders associated with growth.

STOP NOW - this is your chance to change your Life, and go in another direction for Future!
Look at my Blog for an important consideration, don't think - Ok. tomorrow!
Now is the right time for a Healthy Life with the right Diet Plan...

T. Alline had the same Problem as you, but he had fought and won...
It lies with you to do it. Look here for more Information about Healthy Diet For Teenagers

Thank you, and best wishes for Future...

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